Soybean Boards Establish Strategic Direction

The Kansas Soybean Association and Kansas Soybean Commission work closely together to deliver value to soybean farmers in the state. KSA and KSC drive profitability, develop soybean markets and represent soybean farmers’ best interests.

According to the organization, goals are relevant and forward-focused, KSA and KSC engaged in a robust, year-long strategic planning process.

“The main goal of this process was to ensure that our two distinct organizations were working in concert to deliver the best possible value back to the soybean farmers of Kansas every day,” KSA CEO and KSC Administrator Kaleb Little says. “Our farmer leaders take great pride in driving on-farm profitability through strategic checkoff investments and advocacy for the farmers of today and tomorrow. This new strategic plan will ensure we continue to do that well into the future.”

Kansas Soybean partnered with Paulsen out of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to develop the 2022 strategic plan, which focuses on opportunities in the next five years to advance soybean profitability and advocacy. The five key priorities to meet this goal are:

  1. Support on-farm profitability through unbiased third-party research.
  2. Sustain and grow international soy purchases.
  3. Make Kansas farmers the organization’s main advocate through leadership and engagement.
  4. Support new soybean uses and encourage growth markets, including, but not limited to, biodiesel and renewable diesel.
  5. Engage consumers to maintain social license to farm.

“We identified that individuals outside the farm will hold increasing power in how farms operate moving forward,” KSA President Teresa Brandenburg says. “Vocal consumers, private investors and legislators influence our industry and social license to farm. We must account for that and maintain positive relationships with these groups to preserve our farm rights.”

During the evaluation process, the boards also discussed soybean marketplace shifts and how Kansas Soybean can capitalize on that. Growth of renewable diesel markets, rising protein demand and increased adoption of on-farm technology will continue to impact the soybean industry.

“Our strategic plan gives the Commission useful insight on how we can invest checkoff dollars to be thought-leaders for the future,” KSC Chairman Ron Ohlde says. “We intend to secure our place as industry leaders and look toward production research and soybean meal research for animal agriculture to achieve that.”

Questions about Kansas Soybean’s strategic direction may be directed to Kaleb Little, CEO and Administrator, at the Kansas Soybean Office.