Kansas is Reading to Preschoolers

The State Library of Kansas invites adults and children across the state to join in reading to preschoolers in the month of November.

The book Not a Box by Antoinette Portis is part of Kansas Reads to Preschoolers, the one-state, one-preschool-book reading program. The annual event devoted to promoting a love of reading in children takes place throughout the month of November.

One age-appropriate book is selected for storytime in libraries, preschools, childcare centers, and homes throughout Kansas. Not a Box is the chosen title for this year’s event. From a mountain to a racecar to a rocket ship, a small rabbit shows that a box will go as far as the imagination allows.

“Our hope is that every Kansas child from birth to age five is read to during the month of November,” Acting State Librarian Ray Walling said. “Local libraries play a big role in early childhood learning. Through Kansas Reads to Preschoolers, our hope is that more children will discover the joy of reading by visiting their local library.”

Copies of Not a Box have been made available to Kansas public libraries by the State Library of Kansas and librarians are preparing to read to Kansas preschoolers at various events during the month of November. Kansans are encouraged to contact their local library for scheduled events.

Kansas Reads to Preschoolers highlights the State Library’s goal of increasing reading readiness for children before they enter school. For storytime ideas, activities, and more information about this year’s Kansas Reads to Preschoolers event, visit the State Library’s web page devoted to the program kslib.info/prek.

The State Library of Kansas – To learn more, visit kslib.info.