Former Governors Unite to “Save Kansas”

A group of former Kansas Governors are uniting to “Save Kansas”. Former Governors Bill Graves, Mike Hayden, John Carlin, and Kathleen Sebelius sent a letter to many Kansans Friday asking for their support.

According to the organization, the letter’s purpose is to “educate citizens about the destructive policies of the Brownback administration and the Governor’s supporters in the House and Senate.”

It’s the first time in Kansas history that four former Governors, representing the Democratic and Republican parties, have taken a united stance against a sitting Governor.

“Our state of affairs is on a continuous decline. It’s time to acknowledge the experiment has failed,” said Mike Hayden, Republican governor from 1987 – 1991. “Being a Kansas conservative used to mean paying off debt, balancing the budget, and not running up bills our grandchildren would be expected to pay. I’m eager to see Kansas restored to those principles and the upcoming election is our first opportunity.”

“Investments in education and infrastructure have always been key to economic growth,” said John Carlin, Democratic governor from 1979 – 1987. “As we continue to slight these important measures, we endanger our ability to ever recover economically, reducing the quality of life for all Kansans. I’m not pleased with the direction we’re going and believe we must change the faces in the legislature.”

Save Kansas is a c(4) political organization founded to educate citizens about Kansas public policy issues. The group aligns on six shared values:

  • Balanced Tax Policy
  • Quality Educational Opportunity
  • Reasonable Healthcare Access
  • Safe Highways and Improved Public Safety
  • Job Growth and Fiscal Responsibility
  • Judicial Impartiality

Letter that was sent: