Workaholism Ruining Relationships?

My girlfriend is unhappy about how many hours I work. I’m an entrepreneur with multiple business ventures and keeping track of my businesses and employees does roll over into my personal life. I’m concerned because I believe this was part of the reason for my divorce. I know I’m a workaholic, but don’t know how to slow down. Any advice?

Just do it! You’re the boss. You don’t have to ask permission to cut back on your 80++ hour workweeks. The work will still get done. All bosses have the same number of hours in a day. Not all successful entrepreneurs work the long hours you do. Your employees may find out that they are able to make decisions in your absence…yadda…yadda…yadda…

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years in business it’s that there’s always tomorrow. As the boss you have complete control over your schedule so take charge of your life!

Here’s what you know:

You know what it is you need to prioritize.

You know where you need to delegate more.

You know where your work habits are inefficient.

You know when you’re focusing too much on work at the expense of your personal life.

You know when you’re getting too comfortable in your office chair and it’s time to go home.

You know when it’s time to shut off your smart phone.


Embrace your Personal Power with Life Coaching~

  • Are you willing to risk losing another relationship over your workaholic habits?
  • What negative gloom and doom thoughts does your mind conjure up when you do take time off from work?
  • What is the worst that can happen if you turn your smart phone off for the evening?

LISTEN to “The Joan Jerkovich Show,” this Saturday from 6-7am; or Sunday from 9-10pm. Podcast posts to Mondays. LISTEN to 1150 KSAL as “Your Life Coach” brings you “Empowering Talk Radio!”

THIS WEEKEND:  Post Divorce Co-Parenting Agreements. Why Are Women Alone In Raising Children. Teacher Not Respecting Mothers Role. When To Change Co-Parenting Agreement.