Suspects Sought in Weekend Vandalism

BB-gun vandals shatter the glass at a Salina gas station and two non-profits.

Salina Police report that early Sunday morning between 12:25am and 12:34am someone shot out a window at the Pump Mart, 1118 N. 9th and then broke out the glass on the front door to enter the business. Police say they took cigarettes and an undisclosed amount of cash. Loss and damage is listed at $750.

Windows at Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Salina and the Salvation Army were also shot out by BB’s sometime over the weekend. Police say BBBS, 500 Kenwood Park had a 4-foot by 6-foot window destroyed by 9-shots. Replacement cost is $2,000.

Windows at the Salvation Army facility, 1137 N. Santa Fe were shattered by BB’s sometime between 9:30pm Saturday and 7:30am Sunday morning. Police say glass on the double doors and windows above the doors were both destroyed. A rear window on a 2003 Chevy van were also shot. Damage is estimated at $3,000.

Police Captain Paul Forrester tells KSAL News that they are reviewing video surveillance from one of the locations and believe they will be able to identity the suspects.


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