Shake Hands and Come Out Fighting

The executive directors of both the Kansas Republican Party and the Kansas Democratic Party will be in Salina for an event this week. Clay Barker, executive director of the Kansas Republican Party, and Kerry Gooch, executive director of the Kansas Democratic Party, will participate in a public event at the K-State Polytechnic Campus in Salina.

According to K-State, in an effort to bring a better overall understanding of what’s happening within state government, Kansas State Polytechnic’s first Civic Luncheon Lecture of the spring semester will connect the community with their party representatives.

“Right! Left! Right! Left! How To Get Your Voice Heard in the Two-party System” will be presented at noon Thursday, Feb. 11, in the College Center conference room. Guests may bring their lunch or buy a lunch from the campus’s cafeteria.

Both executive directors will answer attendees’ questions and concerns about civic issues as well as address how to make a community a better place to live through good government. Salina Mayor Jon Blanchard will serve as moderator.

The Civic Luncheon Lecture Series is free and the public is invited. It was established by Greg Stephens, associate professor of arts, sciences and business at Kansas State Polytechnic, to provide the campus and the community with an opportunity to learn about and participate in various current events impacting local issues.

For more information on the series, contact Stephens at 785-819-6887 or [email protected], or visit