New KWU Facility Open to Public

The new track at Kansas Wesleyan University is available for public use.

According to KWU, they have established a public use policy for the newly opened Graves Family Sports Complex.

The university will open the east gate by 6 a.m. daily for community and Kansas Wesleyan recreational runners and walkers to have access to the outer four lanes of the track when the Complex is not in use for official practices or competitions. The inner four lanes of the track are reserved solely for official practices and competitions in order to preserve their condition. The facility will be closed at dusk.

Sports Complex fields are not available for community recreational use. The fields are restricted to official practices and competitions, recreational use by Kansas Wesleyan students, staff or faculty (with I.D.), or for use by other groups that make advance arrangements with KWU Athletics.

Stadium seating, stairs, restrooms and locker rooms are closed to recreational runners and walkers.