Kansas measure would allow same-day voter registration

A bill in the Kansas Legislature would allow people to register to vote on Election Day and cast a ballot the same day.

“Same-day registration” is allowed in 10 states and the District of Columbia, but under Kansas law requires voters to be registered at least 21 days before an election.

Rep. Gail Finney, a Wichita Democrat, is sponsoring the same-day voter registration bill, which would allow voters to go to their county election office within 20 days before an election, or to their local polling place on Election Day, and cast a ballot at the same time they register.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach told The Lawrence Journal-World (http://bit.ly/1P5Rg2r) while he hadn’t seen Finney’s bill, he believes same-day voter registration can lead to people voting more than once.

Information from: Lawrence (Kan.) Journal-World, http://www.ljworld.com.