Grow Christian Company?

My husband and I have been working to grow our Christian Production Company where we do plays, cartoons and write scripts for movies. Everyone who sees our work thinks it’s really great but our problem is that we lack the finances to get more people to see what we do. How can we build this business to the point of making money?

Every business needs an investment of capital (money) to grow to its full potential. The old saying, “It takes money to make money” holds true in the business arena. Entrepreneurs who are trying to launch their business from a grass roots level, from their garage or kitchen table (so to speak), don’t always realize that even multimillion dollar companies frequently have to go back to their investors for an infusion of money to grow.

In the realm of big business raising capital is as slick as it sounds involving “Venture Capitalists”, “Private Equity”, “Seed Funding” and “Angel Investing”…big names for the ways big businesses find funding.

Take a note from the big company playbooks and consider ways to raise the “seed” money to nurture your sapling of a business…draw up a professional, well-researched business plan and present it to potential investors. (Be mindful of The US Securities and Exchange Commission regulations.) Find the people who believe in your vision for your company and want to be a part of it!

Embrace your Personal Power with Life Coaching~
• How is your business conducive to raising money from outsiders?
• What proven track record, for business success, can you present to potential investors to assure them that you are a serious businessperson?
• Before your drag other people on board, how willing are you to personally “go down with the ship” if you fail?
• How much of your own money (I call it “skin in the game”) are you willing to invest and potentially lose on this business venture?

Joan Jerkovich, BCC Board Certified Life Coach

Joan Jerkovich, BCC
Board Certified Life Coach

The Joan Jerkovich Show
News Radio 1150 KSAL
Saturdays @ 6:00 am CST
Podcast posts to Mondays

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