Good Samaritans Pay Off Layaways

Melody McKenzie headed to the Lawrence Wal-Mart this week planning to remove an item from layaway that she had intended to purchase for her 12-year-old daughter before money got too tight for that to happen.

The Lawrence woman thought she stilled owed $87 on the karaoke machine after paying $15 to have it put on layaway, but when she told the clerk to put the toy back on Monday, she was shocked when informed that she owed only one penny.

The Lawrence Journal-World reports the clerk told her a good Samaritan had paid off the rest.

Wal-Mart Supercenter manager Shawn Jacobson says that since Thanksgiving about 10 people had come in to pay off strangers’ layaway balances, amounting to between $2,500 and $3,000 in payments.