Covering Cover Crops on KSAL

Conservation of farmland and getting the soil to work all year long are just a couple of benefits found in maintaining cover crops. “It completes a system, you’ve got that soil working 12 months of the year,” said Michael Plumer, Consultant with Conservation Agriculture in the United States.

Plumer joined in on the KSAL Morning News Tuesday with a preview of his seminar ‘Fine Tuning Your Cover Crop Program’ scheduled for the opening day of the Mid American Farm Expo.

“As soon as your crop is harvested you have a cover crop growing. We find that it picks up phosphorus and holds it on the field. We’re actually maintaining our fertility and making better use of it as well as saving the soil.”

Plumer will also speak at 1:30pm at the 4-H Building with a look at “Avoiding Cover Crop Pitfalls.”

The Expo is headquartered in the Bicentennial Center, with additional displays in Agricultural Hall, and Exhibition Barn at the Saline County Livestock & Expo Center.

In addition, outside exhibits are located in front of Ag Hall and on the Bicentennial Center west parking lot.
Hours are 9am-5pm on Tuesday March 29th, 9am-5pm on Wednesday March 30th, and 9am-4pm on Thursday March 31st.

There is no charge for admission and parking is free.